Kibokoland Adventure

Mkomazi National Park


Formerly a Game Reserve since 1951, Mkomazi was upgraded into a ‘National Park’ status in 2008. It is located 6km from Same town, covering an area of 3,245square km. The name ‘Mkomazi’is a combination of two words from the Pare ethnic language; “Mko and Mazi”.   “Mko” means a traditional tiny wooden spoon used by the Pare people for eating and “Mazi” means water. This implies that water in the Park is hardly enough to fill up the wooden spoon.

There are more than 450 bird species including those that are hardly seen elsewhere such as Friedmann’s Lark, the Violet Wood-hoopoe, Somalia Long Billed Crombec and Shelley’s Starling. Also,the park host Eurasian migrant birds such as European Roller. Best sites for birds watching are Zange, Dindira, Mbula, Babus, Norbanda, Ngurunga and Maore. Game drives, short and long walking safari can be arranged here escorted by armed Ranger.Diversity of Fauna and Flora, the only protected area in Tanzania with large and visible population of Gerenuk.

Magnificent view of landscapes including Kilimanjaro, Eastern Arc Mountains (Pare and Usambara), associated Hills and Acacia Commiphora Woodland.

Endangered species of animals particularly Black Rhino who are still in the cage and Wild dogs can be seen in this beautiful and rare visited park. The combination of Wildlife safari and beach holiday at the Indian Ocean it’s possible -closet to Tanga region and Amboni Caves via Umber gate.